vimrc を整理した
Vim を始めた頃から無駄に機能ごとにファイル分割をして、ごちゃごちゃになっていた vimrc をこの機会にちょっと整理してみました。
1つのファイルに全部まとめたので行数は長くなったのですが、使ってなかった設定や quickrun.vim 回りの設定を見直したのでだいぶすっきりとしました。
Vim の折りたたみ機能を初めて使ってみましたがなかなか便利ですね。
C++ 回りの設定はまだちょっとごちゃごちゃしているのでもうちょっと見なおす必要がありそうですが、しばらくはこのままちょっと試してみたいと思います。
年に1回ぐらいこんな感じで vimrc を見なおしてみるのもいいですね。
次は OS 間でも問題なく使用できるようにしたい。
で、現状の vimrc とかを見たい人は続きからどうぞ。
ちなみにわたしは全て Dropbox でソースコードの管理をしているので github とかは使っていません。
コメント空白行込みでだいたい 2300行ぐらいです。
"========================================================== " "========================================================== " {{{ " }}} "========================================================== " 初期設定 "========================================================== " {{{ let $HOME=$HOME."/.vim" " ユーザ名 if !exists("$VIMUSERNAME") let $VIMUSERNAME=$USERNAME endif let $VIMLOCALUSER=$VIMUSER."/local/".$VIMUSERNAME if !isdirectory($VIMLOCALUSER) call mkdir($VIMLOCALUSER, "p") endif if filereadable($VIMLOCALUSER."/_vimrc") source $VIMLOCALUSER/_vimrc endif " }}} "========================================================== " 環境変数 "========================================================== " {{{ " VIM データ let $VIMHOME=$VIMUSER."/.vim" "vimfiles let $VIMFILES=$VIMUSER."/vimfiles" " ユーザローカル let $VIMUSERLOCAL=$VIMUSER."/".$VIMUSERNAME "ソースディレクトリ let $SOURCE_ROOT=$WORK_ROOT."/software/src" " development let $DEVELOPMENT=$WORK_ROOT."/software/development" "c++ のテストディレクトリ let $TEST_CPP=$SOURCE_ROOT."/test/cpp" let $TEST_BOOST=$TEST_CPP."/boost" " vim のテストディレクトリ let $TEST_VIM=$SOURCE_ROOT."/test/vim" " vim plugin ディレクトリ let $VIMPLUGIN=$VIMUSER."/runtime/bundle" " kmt let $KMT_ROOT=$DEVELOPMENT."/cpp/lib/kmt/kmt" let $LLVM_BIN=$LLVM_ROOT."/bin" let $BOOST_ROOT=$BOOST_LATEST_ROOT let $BOOST_BUILD_PATH=$BOOST_ROOT."/tools/build/v2" let $CLANG_SDK=$LLVM_SDK.'/tools/clang' " }}} "========================================================== " 基本的な設定 "========================================================== " {{{ "shell のパスを設定 if has("gui_win32") set shell=C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe endif "バックアップファイルを作るディレクトリ set backupdir=$HOME/vimbackup if !isdirectory(&backupdir) call mkdir(&backupdir, "p") endif "ファイル保存の初期ディレクトリをバッファファイル位置に設定 set browsedir=buffer "スワップファイル用のディレクトリ set directory=$HOME/vimbackup if !isdirectory(&directory) call mkdir(&directory, "p") endif set grepprg=d:/grep\ -nH " Windows set splitbelow " 横分割したら新しいウィンドウは下に set splitright " 縦分割したら新しいウィンドウは右に " 常に開いているファイルと同じディレクトリをカレントディレクトリにする augroup group_vimrc_cd autocmd! autocmd BufEnter * execute ":lcd " . (isdirectory(expand("%:p:h")) ? expand("%:p:h") : "") augroup END " Undo 回数の設定 (デフォルト = 1000) set undolevels=2000 " " バッファを切り替えても、undo を効くように設定 " (変更をセーブせずにバッファを切り替えたいときにも、 :set hidden は役に立つが、 " 変更に気づかないまま":qa! "するという危険も伴う、諸刃の剣) set hidden " indent eol start を超えて、<C-w><C-u> を有効にする set backspace=indent,eol,start "日本語ヘルプ helptags $VIMFILES/doc " 日本語ヘルプを引く際に無限ループになるのを防ぐ為 " :set notagbsearch " set iminsert=0 " インサートモードで日本語入力を ON にしない set imsearch=0 " 検索モードで日本語入力を ON にしない " <C-a> <C-x> で英字も増減させる set nrformats=alpha,octal,hex " }}} "========================================================== "ビジュアルの設定 "========================================================== " {{{ " 常にカーソル位置を中心に " set scrolloff=999 set linespace=2 "タブ文字、改行文字を表示 set list "改行、タブ文字の設定 set listchars=tab:^-,trail:-,eol:\ "行番号を表示 set number "閉じカッコが入力されたとき、対応するカッコを表示する "set showmatch " 括弧を入力した時にカーソルが移動しないように設定 set matchtime=0 " タブページのラベルを常に表示する set showtabline=2 " ツールバーを削除 set guioptions-=T "メニューを削除 set guioptions-=m "チラツキ set completeopt=menuone " menu を無効 let did_install_default_menus = 1 let did_install_syntax_menu = 1 " バッファを閉じる時にバッファリストから削除 autocmd BufReadPre * setlocal bufhidden=delete " ウィンドウのリサイズを抑える set noequalalways " }}} "========================================================== "コーディング "========================================================== " {{{ "新しい行のインデントを同じ行にする set autoindent filetype plugin indent on set nocindent " 改行時にコメントしない set formatoptions-=ro augroup vimrc_group_formatoptions autocmd! autocmd FileType * setlocal formatoptions-=ro augroup END "クリップボードをWindowsと連携 set clipboard=unnamed "タブ文字の長さ set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 " カーソルを行頭、行末で止まらないようにする set whichwrap=b,s,h,l,<,>,[,] set fileformat=unix set fileformats=unix,dos "================================== "エンコーディング "================================== " {{{ function! s:set_fileformat() if &fileformat != "unix" \ && !get(b:, "set_fileformat_checked", 0) \ && input("setlocal fileformat=unix?[y/n]") == "y" try setlocal fileformat=unix catch endtry endif let b:set_fileformat_checked = 1 " try " setlocal fileformat=unix " catch " endtry endfunction augroup vimrc_group_set_fileformat autocmd! " autocmd BufRead * :call <SID>set_fileformat() autocmd BufWritePre * :call <SID>set_fileformat() augroup END " フォントを設定 " フォント名に日本語名を使うので、一時的に文字コードを変える setlocal encoding=cp932 set guifont=Osaka−等幅:h11 " 文字コードを元に戻す setlocal encoding=utf-8 "let g:verifyenc_enable = 0 setlocal encoding=utf-8 setlocal fileencodings=ucs-bom,iso-2022-jp-3,iso-2022-jp,eucjp-ms,euc-jisx0213,euc-jp,utf-8,cp932,sjis scriptencoding utf-8 setlocal termencoding=cp932 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "Windowsで内部エンコーディングがcp932以外の場合 "makeのメッセージが化けるのを回避 " """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" if has('win32') || has('win64') || has('win95') || has('win16') au QuickfixCmdPost make call QFixCnv('cp932') endif function! QFixCnv(enc) if a:enc == &enc return endif let qflist = getqflist() for i in qflist let i.text = iconv(i.text, a:enc, &enc) endfor call setqflist(qflist) endfunction " }}} " }}} "========================================================== " pathogen "========================================================== " {{{ "vim plugin の読み込み let $BUNDLE_ROOT=$VIMUSER."/runtime/bundle" set runtimepath+=$BUNDLE_ROOT/vim-pathogen call pathogen#runtime_prepend_subdirectories($BUNDLE_ROOT) call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() call pathogen#helptags() " }}} "========================================================== " neobundle "========================================================== " {{{ set nocompatible filetype off if has('vim_starting') call neobundle#rc(expand($HOME."/neobundle")) endif source $VIMUSER/vimrcs/$VIMVIMRCNAME/bundles.vim filetype plugin on filetype indent on " }}} "========================================================== " キーマッピング "========================================================== " {{{ " 雑多 {{{ nmap T % " スペースを挿入 nnoremap <C-Space> i <Esc><Right> " C-@ の誤爆防止 inoremap <C-@> <ESC> " 検索のハイライトを消す nnoremap <Esc><Esc> :nohlsearch<CR> " normal モードで改行 nnoremap <C-j> O<Esc><Down> nnoremap <C-k> <Up>dd " カッコの補完 " inoremap "" ""<Left> " inoremap () ()<Left> " inoremap {} {}<Left> " inoremap '' ''<Left> " inoremap <> <><Left> " }}} " " カーソルを表示行で移動する。物理行移動は<C-n>,<C-p> nnoremap j gj nnoremap k gk nnoremap <Down> gj nnoremap <Up> gk "カーソルキーで行末/行頭の移動可能に設定。 set whichwrap=b,s,[,],<,> nnoremap h <Left> nnoremap l <Right> "l を <Right>に置き換えて、折りたたみを l で開くことができるようにする。 if has('folding') nnoremap <expr> l foldlevel(line('.')) ? "\<Right>zo" : "\<Right>" endif "検索後画面の中心に。 nmap n nzz nmap N Nzz " 縦に連番を入力する nnoremap <silent> co :ContinuousNumber <C-a><CR> vnoremap <silent> co :ContinuousNumber <C-a><CR> command! -count -nargs=1 ContinuousNumber let c = col('.')|for n in range(1, <count>?<count>-line('.'):1)|exec 'normal! j' . n . <q-args>|call cursor('.', c)|endfor " カーソル位置の単語をヤンクした単語に置換 nnoremap <silent> ciy ciw<C-r>0<ESC>:let@/=@1<CR>:noh<CR> nnoremap <silent> cy ce<C-r>0<ESC>:let@/=@1<CR>:noh<CR> nnoremap gy "0P " 最後の編集位置へ戻る " map gb `.zz nnoremap <C-g> g;zz nnoremap g; g, " インデントを連続で出来るように設定 vnoremap <silent> > >gv vnoremap <silent> < <gv " set conceallevel の切り替え nnoremap <silent> <Space><Space>c :execute ":set conceallevel=".((&conceallevel==0)?"2":"0")<CR> " \ から / へ置換 vnoremap <silent> <Leader>/ :s/\\/\//g<CR>:nohlsearch<CR> nnoremap <silent> <Leader>/ :s/\\/\//g<CR>:nohlsearch<CR> " タブの移動 nnoremap <silent> <C-l> :tabnext<CR> nnoremap <silent> <C-h> :tabprevious<CR> " }}} "========================================================== " autocmd "========================================================== " {{{ augroup my_group autocmd! autocmd filetype cpp :set comments-=:\/\/ autocmd BufReadPost *.scala setlocal filetype=scala autocmd BufReadPost *.txt set filetype=txt " 前回終了したカーソル行に移動 autocmd BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal g`\"" | endif augroup END " }}} "========================================================== " "========================================================== " {{{ " {{{ " }}} " }}} "========================================================== " プラグインの設定 "========================================================== " {{{ " {{{ " }}} " {{{ let g:vimshell_split_command = "split" " 呼び出し "nnoremap <silent> <Space>vs :VimShell nnoremap <silent> <Space>vs :execute("VimShellPop ".expand("%:p:h"))<CR> nnoremap <silent> <Space>vsvp :VimShell $VIMPLUGIN<CR> " 表示形式 "let g:vimshell_prompt = " % " let g:vimshell_prompt = $VIMUSERNAME."% " autocmd FileType int-* \ inoremap <buffer> <expr><silent> <C-l> unite#sources#vimshell_history#start_complete(0) " }}} " vim-ref {{{ function! s:ref_init() let g:ref_use_vimproc = 1 " let g:ref_open="tabnew" " ref alc " let s:lynx_dir = "D:/home/work/tools/lynx2-8-7" let s:lynx_dir = "D:/home/work/tools/Lynx286rel4TH" let s:lynx = s:lynx_dir.'/lynx.exe' let s:cfg = s:lynx_dir.'/lynx.cfg' " let g:ref_alc_cmd = "D:/home/work/tools/links/links.exe -dump %s" let g:ref_alc_cmd = s:lynx.' -cfg='.s:cfg.' -dump -nonumbers %s' let g:ref_alc_use_cache = 1 let g:ref_alc_start_linenumber = 39 " 余計な行を読み飛ばす let g:ref_alc_encoding = 'Shift-JIS' " let g:ref_alc_encoding = 'utf-8' if exists('*ref#register_detection') " filetypeが分からんならalc call ref#register_detection('_', 'alc') endif let g:ref_lynx_cmd = s:lynx.' -cfg='.s:cfg.' -dump %s' let g:ref_lynx_use_cache = 1 let g:ref_lynx_encoding = 'Shift-JIS' let g:ref_lynx_start_linenumber = 0 " 余計な行を読み飛ばす endfunction call s:ref_init() " }}} " qfixhowm {{{ let QFixHowm_Key = 'g' " let howm_dir = $HOWM let howm_dir = $VIMFILES."/howm" let howm_filename = '%Y/%m/%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S.howm' let howm_fileencoding = 'utf-8' let howm_fileformat = 'dos' " }}} " reanimate.vim {{{ let g:reanimate_save_dir = $VIMLOCALUSER."/.vim/save_point" let g:reanimate_default_save_name = "latest" let g:reanimate_sessionoptions="curdir,folds,help,localoptions,slash,tabpages,winsize" let g:reanimate_disables = [] " ユーザで hook する event let s:event = { \ "name" : "user_event", \} " function! s:event.load_pre(...) function! s:event.load_pre_post(...) " 読み込み前に全てのバッファを保存 :wall " 復元前にタブを削除する :tabonly endfunction function! s:event.save_pre(...) " 保存前に args を削除する try :execute "argd *" catch endtry endfunction call reanimate#hook(s:event) unlet s:event function! Last_point() return reanimate#is_saved() ? reanimate#last_point() : "no save" endfunction augroup SavePoint autocmd! autocmd VimLeavePre * ReanimateSave autocmd BufWritePost * ReanimateSave augroup END function! s:user_test() let self = {} let = "user_event" return self endfunction function! s:SID() return matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\zs\d\+\ze_SID$') endfun let g:reanimate_vimrc_local_filename = "vimrc_local" nnoremap <silent> <Space>rl :execute ":tabnew ".g:reanimate_save_dir."/".reanimate#last_point()."/".g:reanimate_vimrc_local_filename<CR> " }}} " kaoriya {{{ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "Kaoriya版に添付されているプラグインの無効化 "問題があるものもあるので一律に無効化します。 "ファイルを参照(コメント部分で gf を実行)した上で、必要なプラグインは "let plugin_..._disableの設定行をコメント化(削除)して有効にして下さい。 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " "$VIM/plugins/kaoriya/autodate.vim " let plugin_autodate_disable = 1 " "$VIM/plugins/kaoriya/cmdex.vim " let plugin_cmdex_disable = 1 " "$VIM/plugins/kaoriya/dicwin.vim let plugin_dicwin_disable = 1 " "$VIMRUNTIME/plugin/format.vim " let plugin_format_disable = 1 " "$VIM/plugins/kaoriya/hz_ja.vim " let plugin_hz_ja_disable = 1 " "$VIM/plugins/kaoriya/scrnmode.vim " let plugin_scrnmode_disable = 1 " "$VIM/plugins/kaoriya/verifyenc.vim " let plugin_verifyenc_disable = 1 " }}} " EasyMotion {{{ let g:EasyMotion_leader_key = '<Space>e' "let g:EasyMotion_leader_key = '<C-m>' nmap f <Space>ee nmap F <Space>eb " }}} " itunes.vim {{{ " 一時停止 nnoremap <expr> <Space>i<Space> itunes#pause() " 再生 nnoremap <expr> <Space>ip itunes#play() " 停止 nnoremap <expr> <Space>is itunes#stop() " 前の曲 nnoremap <expr> <Space>ih itunes#prev() " 次の曲 nnoremap <expr> <Space>il itunes#next() " }}} " powerline{{{ let g:Powerline_theme="distinguished2" let g:Powerline_colorscheme="distinguished2" " let g:Powerline_theme="distinguished_with_tweetvim" " let g:Powerline_colorscheme="distinguished_with_tweetvim" " }}} " Syntastic {{{ let g:syntastic_mode_map = { \ "mode" : "active", \ "passive_filetypes" : ["cpp"] \} " }}} " caw.vim {{{ nmap <Leader>c <Plug>(caw:I:toggle) nmap <Leader>C <Plug>(caw:I:uncomment) vmap <Leader>c <Plug>(caw:I:toggle) vmap <Leader>C <Plug>(caw:I:uncomment) nmap gcy yypgcIk vmap gcy ygvgcIP " }}} " vim-quickhl {{{ nmap <Space>m <Plug>(quickhl-toggle) xmap <Space>m <Plug>(quickhl-toggle) nmap <Space>M <Plug>(quickhl-reset) xmap <Space>M <Plug>(quickhl-reset) nmap <Space>j <Plug>(quickhl-match) " }}} " ipi#inspect {{{ call ipi#inspect() " }}} " auto_source.vim {{{ let g:auto_source#exclude = ".*\/vim_script\/.*" " }}} " restart.vim {{{ let g:restart_sessionoptions = 'blank,buffers,winpos,winsize,curdir,folds,help,localoptions,tabpages,winsize' command! \ RestartWithSession \ let g:restart_sessionoptions = 'blank,buffers,winpos,winsize,curdir,folds,help,localoptions,tabpages,winsize' \ | Restart nnoremap <Space><Space>res :Restart<CR> " }}} " textmanip.vim {{{ " vmap <C-j> <Plug>(Textmanip.move_selection_down) " vmap <C-k> <Plug>(Textmanip.move_selection_up) " vmap <C-h> <Plug>(Textmanip.move_selection_left) " vmap <C-l> <Plug>(Textmanip.move_selection_right) " }}} " copypath {{{ nnoremap <silent> <Space>cp :CopyPath<CR> " }}} " OpenBrowser {{{ nnoremap <Space>ecd :call OpenBrowser("file:/".expand("%:p:h"))<CR> nnoremap <Space>ss :OpenBrowserSearch nmap <Space>op <Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search) " }}} " ref.vim {{{ nnoremap <Space>ra :Ref alc " }}} " TwitVim {{{ " " ポスト noremap <Space>ttp :PosttoTwitter<CR> "ID からブラウザを開く function! Twitter_id() let l:cword = expand("<cword>") call OpenBrowser("!/".l:cword) return "" endfunction nnoremap <silent><expr> <Space>top Twitter_id() let twitvim_count = 100 " ポスト noremap <Space>tp :TweetVimSay<CR> " }}} " evervim {{{ " " 新規作成 " noremap <Space>evc :EvervimCreateNote<CR> " " " タグ一覧 " noremap <Space>evt :EvervimListTags<CR> " " " 検索 " noremap <Space>evs :EvervimSearchByQuery " }}} " vimfiler {{{ let g:vimfiler_safe_mode_by_default=0 let g:unite_kind_file_use_trashbox = 1 let g:vimfiler_as_default_explorer = 1 nnoremap <silent> <Space>vfvf :VimFilerTab $VIMFILES<CR> nnoremap <silent> <Space>vftc :VimFilerTab $TEST_CPP<CR> nnoremap <silent> <Space>vftb :VimFilerTab $TEST_BOOST<CR> nnoremap <silent> <Space>vftv :VimFilerTab $TEST_VIM<CR> nnoremap <silent> <Space>vfvp :VimFilerTab $VIMPLUGIN<CR> nnoremap <silent> <Space>vf :execute "VimFilerTab ".substitute(expand("%:p:h"), "\\", "/", "g") " }}} " neocomplcache {{{ " 有効にする let g:neocomplcache_enable_at_startup=1 " キーワード補完を行う入力数 let g:neocomplcache_auto_completion_start_length=2 let g:neocomplcache_enable_ignore_case=0 " 大文字、小文字を無視する "入力に大文字が含まれている場合は、大文字・小文字を無視する let g:neocomplcache_enable_smart_case=0 "大文字を入力したときに、それを単語の区切りとしてあいまい検索を行う let g:neocomplcache_enable_camel_case_completion=1 "_を入力したときに、それを単語の区切りとしてあいまい検索を行う let g:neocomplcache_enable_underbar_completion=1 "スニペットのディレクトリ if !exists("g:neocomplcache_snippets_dir") let g:neocomplcache_snippets_dir="" endif let g:neocomplcache_snippets_dir=$VIMUSER.'/snippets'.','.g:neocomplcache_snippets_dir "<TAB>でスニペット補完 if g:neocomplcache_enable_at_startup imap <expr><TAB> neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#expandable() ? "\<Plug>(neocomplcache_snippets_expand)" : pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<TAB>" endif "<CR>(ENTER)で候補を閉じ改行 inoremap <expr><CR> neocomplcache#close_popup() . "\<CR>" "1つ前の補完を取り消す inoremap <expr><C-g> neocomplcache#undo_completion() "<C-h>や<BS>を押したときに確実にポップアップを削除す inoremap <expr><C-h> neocomplcache#smart_close_popup()."\<C-h>" inoremap <expr><BS> neocomplcache#smart_close_popup()."\<C-h>" "現在選択している候補を確定する inoremap <expr><C-y> neocomplcache#close_popup() "現在選択している候補をキャンセルし、ポップアップを閉じる inoremap <expr><C-e> neocomplcache#cancel_popup() let g:neocomplcache_enable_cursor_hold_i=0 let g:neocomplcache_max_list=1000 " }}} " unite.vim {{{ " キーマッピング {{{ nnoremap <Space>ub :Unite buffer -input=!split<CR> nnoremap <Space>ufm :Unite file_mru<CR> nnoremap <Space>udm :Unite directory_mru<CR> nnoremap <Space>urm :UniteResume<CR> nnoremap <Space>uff :Unite file<CR> nnoremap <Space>uol :Unite outline<CR> nnoremap <Space>unb :Unite neobundle<CR> nnoremap <Space>ugr :Unite grep<CR><CR> nnoremap <Space>um :Unite menu<CR> nnoremap <Space>urrr :Unite rofi<CR> nnoremap <Space>url :Unite reanimate -default-action=reanimate_load<CR> nnoremap <Space>urs :Unite reanimate -default-action=reanimate_save<CR> nnoremap <Space>umes :Unite output:mes<CR> nnoremap <Space>uqh :Unite qfixhowm:nocache<CR> nnoremap <Space>uqh :Unite qfixhowm:nocache<CR> nnoremap <Space>ubb :Unite boost-online-doc -default-action=ref_lynx_tabnew<CR> " nnoremap <Space>ub :Unite bookmark<CR> " nnoremap <Space>ucmd :Unite commandsCR> " nnoremap <Space>uw :Unite window<CR> " nnoremap <Space>ut :Unite tab<CR> inoremap <C-y> <Esc>:Unite history/yank -direction=belowright -winheight=12<CR> " }}} " unite-action {{{ " unite-kinds start {{{ let start = { \ 'description' : 'start', \ 'is_selectable' : 1, \ } function! start.func(candidates) for l:candidate in a:candidates call system("cmd /c start ".l:candidate.action__path) endfor endfunction call unite#custom_action('openable', 'start', start) unlet start " }}} " read {{{ let read = { \ 'is_selectable' : 1, \ } function! read.func(candidates) for l:candidate in a:candidates call unite#util#smart_execute_command('read', l:candidate.action__path) endfor endfunction call unite#custom_action('file', 'read', read) unlet read " }}} " OpenBrowser {{{ let openbrowser = { \ 'description' : 'OpenBrowser', \ 'is_selectable' : 1, \ } function! openbrowser.func(candidates)"{{{ for l:candidate in a:candidates call openbrowser#open(l:candidate.word) endfor endfunction"}}} call unite#custom_action('common', 'openbrowser', openbrowser) unlet openbrowser " }}} " OpenBrowser file:/ {{{ let openbrowser_file = { \ 'description' : 'OpenBrowser file:/{word}', \ 'is_selectable' : 1, \ } function! openbrowser_file.func(candidates)"{{{ for l:candidate in a:candidates call openbrowser#open('file:/'.l:candidate.action__path) endfor endfunction"}}} call unite#custom_action('openable', 'openbrowser_file', openbrowser_file) unlet openbrowser_file " }}} " OpenBrowserSearch {{{ let openbrowser_search = { \ 'description' : 'OpenBrowserSearch for word', \ 'is_selectable' : 1, \ } function! openbrowser_search.func(candidates)"{{{ for l:candidate in a:candidates call openbrowser#search(l:candidate.word) endfor endfunction"}}} call unite#custom_action('common', 'openbrowser_search', openbrowser_search) unlet openbrowser_search " }}} " tab drop {{{ let action = { \ 'description' : 'tab drop', \ 'is_selectable' : 1, \ } function! action.func(candidates)"{{{ for candidate in a:candidates let bufpath = substitute(expand("%:p"), "\\", "\/", "g") if bufpath != candidate.action__path call unite#util#smart_execute_command('tab drop', candidate.action__path) endif call unite#take_action('open', candidate) endfor endfunction"}}} call unite#custom_action('openable', 'tabdrop', action) unlet action " }}} " }}} " unite-menu {{{ if !exists("g:unite_source_menu_menus") let g:unite_source_menu_menus = {} endif " directory {{{ let s:commands = { \ 'description' : 'Test menu', \} let s:commands.candidates = { \ "BoostTest" : "VimFiler $TEST_BOOST", \ "C++Test" : "VimFiler $TEST_CPP", \ "VimFiles" : "VimFiler $VIMFILERS", \ "Vim Test" : "VimFiler $TEST_VIM", \ "Bundle" : "VimFiler $VIMPLUGIN", \ "Colorscheme" : "OpenBrowser file:/D:/home/Dropbox/work/vim/runtime/bundle/colorscheme/colors" \} function, value) return { \ 'word' : a:key, \ 'kind' : 'command', \ 'action__command' : a:value, \ } endfunction let g:unite_source_menu_menus["directory"] = deepcopy(s:commands) unlet s:commands " 呼び出しのキーマップ nnoremap <silent> <Space>dd :Unite menu:directory<CR> " }}} " unite-shortcut {{{ " コマンドを登録して unite.vim で選択して起動 let s:commands = { \ 'description' : 'Test menu', \} let s:commands.candidates = { \ "BoostTest" : "VimFiler $TEST_BOOST", \ "C++Test" : "VimFiler $TEST_CPP", \ "ghci" : "VimShellInteractive ghci", \ "python" : "VimShellInteractive python", \ "Unite Beautiful Attack" : "Unite -auto-preview colorscheme", \ "Boost.MPL Ref" : "OpenBrowser", \ "VimShellPop" : "VimShellPop", \ "Blog Edit" : "OpenBrowser", \ "ideone" : "OpenBrowser", \ "AllMap" : "Unite output:AllMap", \ "LastBuf.vim : open last closed buffersLastBuf" : ":LastBuf", \} function, value) return { \ 'word' : a:key, \ 'kind' : 'command', \ 'action__command' : a:value, \ } endfunction let g:unite_source_menu_menus["shortcut"] = deepcopy(s:commands) unlet s:commands " 呼び出しのキーマップ nnoremap <silent> <Space>ll :Unite menu:shortcut<CR> " }}} " unite-action-quickrun {{{ let s:action = { \ 'description' : 'quickrun compile command', \ 'is_selectable' : 1, \ } function! s:action.func(candidates) for val in a:candidates let g:quickrun_compile_command[&filetype] = val.word endfor endfunction call unite#custom_action('common', 'quickrun_compile_command', s:action) unlet s:action let s:unite_source = { \ "name" : "quickrun-select", \ "default_action" : "quickrun_compile_command" \} function! s:unite_source.gather_candidates(args, context) let cmds = filter(deepcopy(g:quickrun_config), "exists('v:val.type') ? v:val.type == &filetype : 0") return sort(values(map(cmds, "{ \ 'word' : v:key, \ 'source' : 'quickrun-select', \ 'kind' : 'common', \ }"))) endfunction call unite#define_source(s:unite_source) nnoremap <silent> <silent> <Space>qr :Unite quickrun-select -quick-match<CR> " }}} " }}} " 設定 {{{ call unite#custom_default_action('directory' , 'tabvimfiler') let g:unite_data_directory = $VIMLOCALUSER."/.vim/.unite" let g:unite_source_history_yank_enable=1 " file mru の保存数 let g:unite_source_file_mru_limit = 5000 " default action call unite#custom_default_action("directory_mru", "vimfiler") " }}} " unite-source {{{ " templatefiles {{{ " Unite から選択して、template file を挿入する " filetype のディレクトリから選択を行う if !exists("g:templatefiles") let g:templatefiles=$VIMUSER."/templatefiles" endif nnoremap <Space>utmp :call l:unite_templatefiles(g:templatefiles)<CR> function! l:unite_templatefiles(dir) call unite#start(['file_rec'], { \'input' : substitute(a:dir, '\', '/', 'g').'/'.&filetype, \'default_action' : 'read' \}) endfunction nnoremap <Space>vftmp :VimFiler $TEMPLAETFILES<CR> " }}} " unite-quickfix {{{ function! s:qflist_to_unite(val) let fname = a:val.bufnr == 0 ? "" : bufname(a:val.bufnr) let line = fname == "" ? "" : a:val.lnum let text = a:val.text let fname_env = pathshorten(fname) let error = a:val.type == "e" ? "|error ":"" return { \ "word": fname_env."|".line.error."| ".text, \ "source": "quickfix", \ "kind": "jump_list", \ "action__path": fname, \ "action__line": line, \ "action__pattern": a:val.pattern, \ "is_multiline" : 1, \ } endfunction let s:quickfix_source = {} let = "quickfix" let s:quickfix_source.syntax = "uniteSource__quickfix" function! s:quickfix_source.gather_candidates(args, context) " function! s:quickfix_source.async_gather_candidates(args, context) return map(getqflist(), "s:qflist_to_unite(v:val)") endfunction let s:quickfix_source.hooks = {} call unite#define_source(s:quickfix_source) unlet s:quickfix_source " }}} " qfixfowm {{{ let s:source = { \ "name" : "qfixhowm", \ "description" : "qfixhowm", \ "action_table" : { \ "delete" : { \ "description" : "delete qfixmemo", \ "is_selectable" : 1, \ "is_invalidate_cache" : 1, \ "is_quit" : 0 \ } \ } \} function! s:source.action_table.delete.func(candidates) let input = input("Really force delete files? [yes/no]") if input == "yes" || input == "y" for candidate in a:candidates call delete(candidate.action__path) endfor endif endfunction function! s:source.gather_candidates(args, context) " call qfixmemo#ListCmd() " if get(a:args, 0, "") == "close" " close " endif let tmp = get(g:, "QFixListAltOpen", 0) let g:QFixListAltOpen = 1 if get(a:args, 0, "") == "nocache" let list = qfixmemo#ListCmd("nocache") else let list = qfixmemo#ListCmd() endif let g:QFixListAltOpen = tmp let new_memo = [{ \ "word" : "[ new memo ]", \ "default_action" : "new_memo", \ "kind" : "qfixlist_new_memo" \ }] " PP list return new_memo + map(copy(list), '{ \ "word" : "(".fnamemodify(v:val.filename, ":t:r").") ".v:val.text, \ "kind" : "file", \ "action__path" : v:val.filename \ }') endfunction call unite#define_source(s:source) unlet s:source let s:kind = { \ "name" : "qfixlist_new_memo", \ "default_action" : "new_memo", \ "action_table" : { \ "new_memo" : { \ "is_selectable" : 0, \ } \ } \} function! s:kind.action_table.new_memo.func(candidates) tabnew call qfixmemo#EditNew() endfunction call unite#define_kind(s:kind) unlet s:kind function! QFixListAltOpen(qflist, dir) return a:qflist endfunction " }}} " }}} " }}} " clang_complete {{{ if isdirectory($LLVM_ROOT) let $PAHT=$LLVM_ROOT.";".$PATH let g:clang_conceal_snippets=1 " let g:clang_snippets=1 let g:clang_complete_auto=1 let g:clang_sort_algo="none" " let g:clang_exec =$LLVM_ROOT.'/bin/clang.exe' let g:clang_exec = $LLVM_BIN."/clang.exe" let g:clang_use_library=1 let g:clang_library_path = $LLVM_BIN let g:clang_debug=0 let g:clang_auto_select = 0 let g:clang_complete_copen=1 let g:clang_user_options = \ '-fms-extensions -fgnu-runtime '. \ '-include malloc.h '. \ '-std=gnu++0x ' " let g:clang_complete_macros=1 " let g:clang_complete_patterns=0 " neocomplcache_clang {{{ " let g:neocomplcache_clang_use_library = 1 " let g:neocomplcache_clang_debug = 1 " let g:neocomplcache_clang_library_path = $LLVM_BIN " let g:neocomplcache_clang_user_options = g:clang_user_options "let g:neocomplcache_clang_user_options = \ '-I '.$LLVM_ROOT.'/lib/clang/3.1/include '. \ '-I C:/MinGW/lib/gcc/mingw32/4.5.2/include '. \ g:get_include_dirs_option(). \ '-fms-extensions -fgnu-runtime '. \ '-include malloc.h ' " }}} endif " }}} " quickrun {{{ " quickrun-outputter {{{ " outputter-unit {{{ let s:outputter = quickrun#outputter#buffered#new() let s:outputter.config = {} function! s:outputter.init(session) endfunction function! s:outputter.output(data, session) let data = a:data if &l:fileformat ==# 'dos' let data = substitute(data, "\r\n", "\n", 'g') endif execute ":Unite output:echo\ "."'".data."'" endfunction function! s:outputter.finish(session) endfunction call quickrun#register_outputter("unite", s:outputter) unlet s:outputter " }}} " location-list {{{ let s:outputter = quickrun#outputter#buffered#new() let s:outputter.config = { \ 'errorformat': '&errorformat', \ } function! s:outputter.finish(session) try let errorformat = &l:errorformat let &l:errorformat = self.config.errorformat lgetexpr self._result cwindow for winnr in range(1, winnr('$')) if getwinvar(winnr, '&buftype') ==# 'quickfix' call setwinvar(winnr, 'quickfix_title', 'quickrun: ' . \ join(a:session.commands, ' && ')) break endif endfor finally let &l:errorformat = errorformat endtry endfunction call quickrun#register_outputter("location_list", s:outputter) unlet s:outputter " }}} " silent quickfix {{{ let s:outputter = quickrun#outputter#quickfix#new() function! s:outputter.finish(session) call call(quickrun#outputter#quickfix#new().finish, [a:session], self) :cclose endfunction " quickrun に登録 call quickrun#register_outputter("silent_quickfix", s:outputter) " }}} " silent-location-list {{{ let s:outputter = quickrun#outputter#buffered#new() let s:outputter.config = { \ 'errorformat': '&errorformat', \ } function! s:outputter.finish(session) try let errorformat = &l:errorformat let &l:errorformat = self.config.errorformat lgetexpr self._result for winnr in range(1, winnr('$')) if getwinvar(winnr, '&buftype') ==# 'quickfix' call setwinvar(winnr, 'quickfix_title', 'quickrun: ' . \ join(a:session.commands, ' && ')) break endif endfor finally let &l:errorformat = errorformat endtry endfunction call quickrun#register_outputter("silent_location_list", s:outputter) unlet s:outputter " }}} " static syntax check location-list {{{ let s:outputter = quickrun#outputter#buffered#new() let s:outputter.config = { \ 'errorformat': '&errorformat', \ } function! s:outputter.finish(session) try let errorformat = &l:errorformat let &l:errorformat = self.config.errorformat lgetexpr self._result for winnr in range(1, winnr('$')) if getwinvar(winnr, '&buftype') ==# 'quickfix' call setwinvar(winnr, 'quickfix_title', 'quickrun: ' . \ join(a:session.commands, ' && ')) break endif endfor finally let &l:errorformat = errorformat endtry :HierUpdate " quickfix への出力後に quickfixstatus を有効に :QuickfixStatusEnable endfunction call quickrun#register_outputter("static_syntax_check_location_list", s:outputter) " }}} " buffer {{{ let s:outputter = { \ 'config': { \ 'append': 0, \ 'split': '%{winwidth(0) * 2 < winheight(0) * 5 ? "" : "vertical"}', \ 'into': 0, \ 'running_mark': ':-)', \ }, \ } function! s:outputter.init(session) let winnr = winnr() call s:open_result_window(self.config.split) if !self.config.append silent % delete _ endif let self._line = line('$') call s:set_running_mark(self.config.running_mark) execute winnr 'wincmd w' endfunction function! s:outputter.output(data, session) let winnr = winnr() call s:open_result_window(self.config.split) let oneline = line('$') == 1 let data = getline('$') . a:data silent $ delete _ if data =~# '\n$' " :put command do not insert the last line. let data .= "\n" endif " XXX 'fileformat' of a new buffer depends on 'fileformats'. if &l:fileformat ==# 'dos' let data = substitute(data, "\r\n", "\n", 'g') endif silent $ put = data if oneline silent 1 delete _ endif call s:set_running_mark(self.config.running_mark) redraw execute winnr 'wincmd w' endfunction function! s:outputter.finish(session) let winnr = winnr() if self._line == 1 " no output " clear the buffer if already opened. if exists('s:bufnr') && bufwinnr(s:bufnr) != -1 execute bufwinnr(s:bufnr) 'wincmd w' silent % delete _ if !self.config.into execute winnr 'wincmd w' endif endif return endif call s:open_result_window(self.config.split) execute self._line silent normal! zt if !self.config.into execute winnr 'wincmd w' endif redraw endfunction function! s:open_result_window(sp) if !exists('s:bufnr') let s:bufnr = -1 " A number that doesn't exist. endif if !bufexists(s:bufnr) execute a:sp 'split' edit `='[quickrun output]'` let s:bufnr = bufnr('%') nnoremap <buffer> q <C-w>c setlocal bufhidden=hide buftype=nofile noswapfile nobuflisted setlocal filetype=quickrun elseif bufwinnr(s:bufnr) != -1 execute bufwinnr(s:bufnr) 'wincmd w' else execute a:sp 'split' execute 'buffer' s:bufnr endif if exists('b:quickrun_running_mark') silent undo unlet b:quickrun_running_mark endif endfunction function! s:set_running_mark(mark) if a:mark !=# '' && !exists('b:quickrun_running_mark') let &undolevels = &undolevels " split the undo block silent $ put =a:mark let b:quickrun_running_mark = 1 endif endfunction call quickrun#register_outputter("my_buffer", s:outputter) unlet s:outputter " }}} " close_buffer {{{ let s:outputter = quickrun#outputter#buffer#new() let s:outputter.is_close = 1 function! s:outputter.output(data, session) let self.is_close = empty(a:data) call call(quickrun#outputter#buffer#new().output, [a:data,a:session], self) endfunction function! s:outputter.finish(session) call call(quickrun#outputter#buffer#new().finish, [a:session], self) if self.is_close " silent % delete _ bwipeout! [quickrun endif endfunction call quickrun#register_outputter("close_buffer", s:outputter) unlet s:outputter " }}} " }}} " unite_quickfix outputter {{{ let s:outputter = quickrun#outputter#multi#new() let s:outputter.config.targets = ["my_buffer", "quickfix"] function! s:outputter.init(session) " quickfix を閉じる :UniteClose cpp-compile-error " :cclose " 元の処理を呼び出す call call(quickrun#outputter#multi#new().init, [a:session], self) endfunction function! s:outputter.finish(session) call call(quickrun#outputter#multi#new().finish, [a:session], self) :cclose " 出力バッファの削除 " silent % delete _ bwipeout! [quickrun if len(getqflist()) " if len(getloclist("%")) execute "Unite -buffer-name=cpp-compile-error -no-quit -direction=belowright -winheight=12 quickfix" endif :HierUpdate " quickfix への出力後に quickfixstatus を有効に :QuickfixStatusEnable endfunction " quickrun に outputter を登録 call quickrun#register_outputter("unite_quickfix", s:outputter) unlet s:outputter " }}} " g:quickrun_config の初期化 if !exists("g:quickrun_config") let g:quickrun_config={} endif function! g:set_quickrun_config(name, base, config) let base = type(a:base) == type("") ? g:quickrun_config[a:base] : a:base let result = deepcopy(base) call extend(result, a:config, "force") let g:quickrun_config[a:name] = deepcopy(result) endfunction " デフォルトの設定 let g:quickrun_config["_"] = { \ "runner/vimproc/updatetime" : 80, \ "outputter/buffer/split" : ":rightbelow 8sp", \ "outputter/my_buffer/split" : ":rightbelow 8sp", \ "outputter/close_buffer/split" : ":rightbelow 8sp", \ "outputter/error/error" : "unite_quickfix", \ "outputter/error/success" : "close_buffer", \ "outputter" : "error", \ "runner" : "vimproc", \ "outputter/buffer/running_mark" : "バン(∩`・ω・)バンバンバンバン゙ン", \ "outputter/my_buffer/running_mark" : "バン(∩`・ω・)バンバンバンバン゙ン", \ "outputter/close_buffer/running_mark" : "バン(∩`・ω・)バンバンバンバン゙ン", \ } " 実行 let g:quickrun_config["run/vimproc"] = { \ "exec": "%s:p:r %a", \ "output_encode" : "utf-8", \ "runner" : "vimproc", \ "outputter" : "buffer" \ } let g:quickrun_config["run/system"] = { \ "exec": "%s:p:r %a", \ "output_encode" : "utf-8", \ "runner" : "system", \ "outputter" : "buffer" \ } let g:quickrun_config["run/vimproc/pause"] = { \ "exec": "%s:p:r %a && pause", \ "output_encode" : "utf-8", \ "runner" : "shell", \ "outputter" : "buffer" \ } " QuickRun の呼び出しを行うキーバインド " とりあえず、ビルドと実行を分けて設定 let g:quickrun_compile_command = {"_" : {} } let g:quickrun_run_command= { "_" : "run/vimproc"} let g:prev_compile_file = "" " 1つ前にコンパイルしたファイルでコンパイル nnoremap <C-F8> :execute ":QuickRun -src ".join(readfile(g:prev_compile_file, 'b'), "\n"). \ <SID>quickrun_compile_command( \ get(g:quickrun_compile_command, &filetype, g:quickrun_compile_command._))<CR> " コンパイル " nnoremap <silent> <C-F7> :execute ":QuickRun ".g:quickrun_compile_command[&filetype]<CR> nnoremap <C-F7> :execute ":QuickRun ". \ <SID>quickrun_compile_command( \ get(g:quickrun_compile_command, &filetype, g:quickrun_compile_command._))<CR> function! s:quickrun_compile_command(command) :cgetexpr "" :cclose let g:prev_compile_file = expand("%:p") PP a:command if empty(a:command) return "" endif return a:command endfunction " 実行 nnoremap <C-F5> :execute ":QuickRun ". \ <SID>quickrun_run_command( \ get(g:quickrun_run_command, &filetype, g:quickrun_run_command._))<CR> function! s:quickrun_run_command(command) if empty(a:command) return "" endif return a:command endfunction nnoremap <C-F6> :call openbrowser#open("file:/".expand("%:p:r").".exe")<CR> " }}} " }}} "========================================================== " Vim scirpt "========================================================== " {{{ " {{{ " }}} " vim hack {{{ " " 次の()へ移動する {{{ " onoremap ) t) onoremap ( t( vnoremap ) t) vnoremap ( t( " }}} " Hack #125: 矩形選択で自由に移動する {{{ " set virtualedit+=block " }}} " AllMaps {{{ " command! \ -nargs=* -complete=mapping \ AllMaps \ map <args> | map! <args> | lmap <args> " }}} " Capture {{{ " command! \ -nargs=+ -complete=command \ Capture \ call s:cmd_capture(<q-args>) function! s:cmd_capture(q_args) "{{{ redir => output silent execute a:q_args redir END let output = substitute(output, '^\n\+', '', '') belowright new silent file `=printf('[Capture: %s]', a:q_args)` setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=unload noswapfile nobuflisted call setline(1, split(output, '\n')) endfunction "}}} " }}} " Hack #202: 自動的にディレクトリを作成する {{{ " augroup vimrc-auto-mkdir " {{{ autocmd! autocmd BufWritePre * call s:auto_mkdir(expand('<afile>:p:h'), v:cmdbang) function! s:auto_mkdir(dir, force) " {{{ if !isdirectory(a:dir) && (a:force || \ input(printf('"%s" does not exist. Create? [y/N]', a:dir)) =~? '^y\%[es]$') call mkdir(iconv(a:dir, &encoding, &termencoding), 'p') endif endfunction " }}} augroup END " }}} " }}} " Hack #62: カーソル下のキーワードをバッファ内全体で置換する {{{ " nnoremap <expr> s* ':%substitute/\<' . expand('<cword>') . '\>/' " }}} " }}} "全角スペースを表示 {{{ " "コメント以外で全角スペースを指定しているので scriptencodingと、 "このファイルのエンコードが一致するよう注意! "全角スペースが強調表示されない場合、ここでscriptencodingを指定すると良い。 "scriptencoding cp932 function! s:zenkakuSpace() "ZenkakuSpaceをカラーファイルで設定するなら次の行は削除 highlight ZenkakuSpace cterm=underline ctermfg=darkgrey gui=underline guifg=darkgrey "全角スペースを明示的に表示する。 silent! match ZenkakuSpace / / endfunction if has('syntax') augroup ZenkakuSpace autocmd! autocmd VimEnter,BufEnter * call <SID>zenkakuSpace() augroup END endif " }}} " バッファの削除 {{{ function! s:delete_hide_buffer() let list = filter(range(1, bufnr("$")), "bufexists(v:val) && !buflisted(v:val)") for v in list execute "bw ".v endfor endfunction command! -bar DeleteHideBuffer :call s:delete_hide_buffer() function! s:delete_no_file_buffer() let list = filter(range(1, bufnr("$")), \ 'bufexists(v:val) && !filereadable(expand("#".v:val.":p"))' \ ) for v in list execute "bw ".v endfor endfunction command! -bar DeleteNoFileBuffer :call s:delete_no_file_buffer() " }}} " 各 filetype ごとの設定ファイル {{{ " after/ftplugin/{&filetype}.vim ファイルを開く " ディレクトリは各環境にあわせて let $AFTER_FTPLUGIN = $BUNDLE_ROOT."/after/ftplugin" " nnoremap <silent> <Space><CR> :execute ":e ".$AFTER_FTPLUGIN."/".&filetype.".vim"<CR> nnoremap <silent> <Space><CR> :execute ":tabnew ".$AFTER_FTPLUGIN."/".&filetype.".vim"<CR> " }}} " 雑多 {{{ function! s:flatten(seq) let result = [] for n in a:seq if(type(n) == type([])) let result = result + s:flatten(n) else let result = result + [n] endif unlet n endfor return result endfunction function! s:delete_window() let tabpagelist = s:flatten(map(range(tabpagenr("$")), "tabpagebuflist(v:val+1)")) if count(tabpagelist, winbufnr("%")) == 1 :bdelete else :quit endif endfunction " }}} " neocomplcache が作成した tag ファイルのパスを tags に追加する {{{ function! s:TagsUpdate() " setlocal tags に neocomplcache が出力した tag ファイルのパスを追加する " include している tag ファイルが毎回同じとは限らないので1度初期化 setlocal tags= for filename in neocomplcache#sources#include_complete#get_include_files(bufnr('%')) execute "setlocal tags+=".neocomplcache#cache#encode_name('tags_output', filename) endfor endfunction augroup popup_tags command! \ -nargs=? PopupTags \ Unite -default-action=tabdrop -immediately -direction=belowright -winheight=12 tag/include:<args> augroup END function! s:get_func_name(word) let end = match(a:word, '<\|[\|(') return end == -1 ? a:word : a:word[ : end-1 ] endfunction noremap <silent> g<C-]> :<C-u>execute "PopupTags ".expand('<cword>')<CR> noremap <silent> G<C-]> :<C-u>execute "PopupTags " \.substitute(<SID>get_func_name(expand('<cWORD>')), '\:', '\\\:', "g")<CR> nnoremap <Space>ns :execute "tabnew\|:NeoComplCacheEditSnippets ".&filetype<CR> " }}} " タブ表示 {{{ function! g:tablabel() let label = &ft == "howm_memo" ? getline(1) \ : fnamemodify(expand('%:p'),':h:t').'/'.expand('%:t') let bufnrlist = tabpagebuflist(v:lnum) " このタブページに変更のあるバッファがるときには '+' を追加する for bufnr in bufnrlist if getbufvar(bufnr, "&modified") let label = '+ '.label break endif endfor return label endfunction set guitablabel=%{g:tablabel()} nmap gf <C-w>gf " }}} " }}} "========================================================== " 各言語の設定 "========================================================== " {{{ " {{{ " }}} " dart {{{ let s:dart_cmd = "D:/home/bin/dart/dart-sdk/bin/dart.exe" let g:quickrun_config.dart = { \ "command" : s:dart_cmd, \} augroup dart_group autocmd BufReadPost *.dart set shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab augroup END " }}} " cpp {{{ let c_comment_strings=1 let c_no_curly_error=1 " get_include_dirs_option {{{ function! g:get_include_dirs_option() let include_dirs = "" for dir in split(&path, ",") if !( dir == "" || dir == "." || dir == ".." \ || match(dir,"mingw") != -1 ) let include_dirs = " -I ".dir." ".include_dirs endif endfor return include_dirs endfunction " }}} " init quickrun {{{ function! g:update_compiler_option() let include_dirs = g:get_include_dirs_option() " gcc のコンパイルオプション " let l:gcc_option= include_dirs.'-Wall -fexec-charset=CP932 ' let l:gcc_option= include_dirs.' -Wall -DBOOST_THREAD_USE_LIB' " let l:gcc_lib_path=' -lws2_32 ' let l:gcc_lib_path=' ' " let l:gcc_lib_path=' -lpthread -L'.$BOOST_LATEST_ROOT.'/stage/lib -lboost_thread-mgw45-mt-1_48 -lboost_filesystem-mgw45-mt-1_48' " let l:gcc_lib_path=' -L'.$BOOST_LATEST_ROOT.'/stage/lib -lboost_system-mgw47-mt-1_48 -lboost_filesystem-mgw47-mt-1_48' " msvc のコンパイルオプション let l:msvc_debug_option = \"/nologo /W3 /WX- /Od /Ob1 /Oy- /DWIN32 ". \"/D_DEBUG /D_CONSOLE /D_UNICODE /DUNICODE ". \"/Gm /Zi /EHsc /RTC1 /MTd /GS ".include_dirs let l:msvc_release_option = \" /DWIN32 /D_CONCOLE /DNDEBUG ". \"/nologo /MT /EHsc /GR ".include_dirs let l:msvc_release_link_option = " " " let l:msvc_release_link_option= " \" /link -LIBPATH:" ". " \" 'kernel32.lib' 'user32.lib' 'gdi32.lib' ". " \"'comdlg32.lib' 'advapi32.lib' 'shell32.lib' 'ole32.lib' ". " \"'oleaut32.lib' 'uuid.lib' 'odbc32.lib' 'odbccp32.lib' " let l:msvc_release_link_option= \" /link -LIBPATH:".$BOOST_LATEST_ROOT."/stage/lib ". \" 'kernel32.lib' 'user32.lib' 'gdi32.lib' ". \"'comdlg32.lib' 'advapi32.lib' 'shell32.lib' 'ole32.lib' ". \"'oleaut32.lib' 'uuid.lib' 'odbc32.lib' 'odbccp32.lib' " let l:msvc_debug_link_option = l:msvc_release_link_option."/DEBUG " let l:quickrun_cpp_default = { \ "type" : "cpp", \ "exec": ["rm -f %s:p:r".(has('win32') ? ".exe" : "")], \ "outputter" : "unite_quickfix", \ "runner" : "vimproc", \ } call g:set_quickrun_config("test", l:quickrun_cpp_default, { \ "command" : "clang", \ "exec" : "%c %o %s:p", \ }) " msvc デバッグビルド call g:set_quickrun_config("msvc_debug", l:quickrun_cpp_default, { \ "command" : "cl", \ "exec" : "%c %o %s:p".l:msvc_debug_link_option, \ "cmdopt" : l:msvc_debug_option, \ "output_encode" : "sjis" \ }) " msvc リリースビルド call g:set_quickrun_config("msvc_release", "msvc_debug", { \ "exec" : "%c %o %s:p".l:msvc_release_link_option, \ "cmdopt" : l:msvc_release_option \ }) " msvc プリプロセッサ出力 call g:set_quickrun_config("msvc_pp", "msvc_debug", { \ "exec" : "%c %o %s:p".l:msvc_release_link_option, \ "cmdopt" : l:msvc_release_option."/EP ", \ "outputter" : "buffer" \ }) call g:set_quickrun_config("g++preprocessor", {}, { \ "type" : "cpp", \ "exec" : "%c %o %s:p ".l:gcc_lib_path, \ "command" : "g++", \ "cmdopt" : include_dirs." -P -E ", \ "outputter" : "buffer", \ "runner" : "vimproc" \ }) let gcc_errorformat = '%*[^"]"%f"%*\D%l:%c: %m,%*[^"]"%f"%*\D%l: %m,"%f"%*\D%l:%c: %m,"%f"%*\D%l: %m,%-G%f:%l: %trror: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once,%-G%f:%l: %trror: for each function it appears in.),%f:%l:%c: %trror: %m,%f:%l:%c: %tarning: %m,%f:%l:%c: %m,%f:%l: %trror: %m,%f:%l: %tarning: %m,%f:%l: %m,"%f"\, line %l%*\D%c%*[^ ] %m,%D%*\a[%*\d]: Entering directory `%f",%X%*\a[%*\d]: Leaving directory `%f",%D%*\a: Entering directory `%f",%X%*\a: Leaving directory `%f",%DMaking %*\a in %f' " g++ call g:set_quickrun_config("g++", l:quickrun_cpp_default, { \ "command" : "g++", \ "exec" : "%c %o %s -o %s:p:r".l:gcc_lib_path, \ "cmdopt" : l:gcc_option." -Wall", \ }) " g++11 call g:set_quickrun_config("g++11", "g++", { \ "exec" : "%c %o %s -o %s:p:r".l:gcc_lib_path, \ "cmdopt" : l:gcc_option." -std=gnu++0x", \ }) " g++11-g call g:set_quickrun_config("g++11-g", "g++", { \ "exec" : "%c %o -g -O0 %s:p:r".l:gcc_lib_path, \ "cmdopt" : l:gcc_option." -std=gnu++0x", \ }) " g++4.6.3_11 call g:set_quickrun_config("g++4.6.3_11", "g++11", { \ "command" : "D:/home/gcc/gcc4_6_1/_bin/g++", \ "exec" : "%c %o %s -o %s:p:r".l:gcc_lib_path, \ "cmdopt" : l:gcc_option." -std=gnu++0x", \ }) " g++4.6.2_11 call g:set_quickrun_config("g++4.6.2_11", "g++11", { \ "command" : "D:/home/gcc/gcc4_6_2/_bin/g++", \ "exec" : "%c %o %s -o %s:p:r".l:gcc_lib_path, \ "cmdopt" : l:gcc_option." -std=gnu++0x", \ }) " g++4.6.2_11 pedantic call g:set_quickrun_config("g++4.6.2_11-pedantic", "g++11", { \ "command" : "D:/home/gcc/gcc4_6_2/_bin/g++", \ "exec" : "%c %o %s -o %s:p:r".l:gcc_lib_path, \ "cmdopt" : l:gcc_option." -std=gnu++0x -pedantic -pedantic-errors", \ }) " g++4.7_11 call g:set_quickrun_config("g++4.7_11", "g++11", { \ "command" : "D:/home/gcc/gcc4_7/_bin/g++", \ "exec" : "%c %o %s -o %s:p:r".l:gcc_lib_path, \ "cmdopt" : l:gcc_option." -std=gnu++0x", \ }) " g++4.7_11-g call g:set_quickrun_config("g++4.7_11-g", "g++4.7_11", { \ "exec" : "%c %o %s -o %s:p:r".l:gcc_lib_path, \ "cmdopt" : l:gcc_option." -g -std=gnu++0x", \ }) " g++4.7_11 pedantic call g:set_quickrun_config("g++4.7_11-pedantic", "g++4.7_11", { \ "exec" : "%c %o %s -o %s:p:r".l:gcc_lib_path, \ "cmdopt" : l:gcc_option." -std=gnu++0x -pedantic -pedantic-errors", \ }) " g++11 pedantic call g:set_quickrun_config("g++11-pedantic", "g++11", { \ "cmdopt" : l:gcc_option." -std=gnu++0x -pedantic -pedantic-errors", \ }) " g++11 OpenGL call g:set_quickrun_config("g++11-OpenGL", "g++11-pedantic", { \ "exec" : "%c %o %s -o %s:p:r" \ .l:gcc_lib_path." -lglut32 -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lglew32 -lpng -lz ", \ }) " g++11 OpenGL-g call g:set_quickrun_config("g++11-OpenGL-g", "g++11-pedantic", { \ "exec" : "%c %o -g -O0 %s -o %s:p:r" \ .l:gcc_lib_path." -lglut32 -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lglew32 -lpng -lz ", \ }) " g++4.6.3_11 call g:set_quickrun_config("g++4.6.3_11-OpenGL", "g++4.6.3_11", { \ "command" : "D:/home/gcc/gcc4_6_1/_bin/g++", \ "exec" : "%c %o %s -o %s:p:r" \ .l:gcc_lib_path." -lglut32 -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lglew32 ", \ }) " g++4.7_11 OpenGL call g:set_quickrun_config("g++4.7_11-OpenGL", "g++11-OpenGL", { \ "command" : "D:/home/gcc/_bin/g++", \ "exec" : "%c %o %s -o %s:p:r" \ .l:gcc_lib_path." -lglut32 -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lglew32 ", \ }) let llvmlibs = \ " -lLLVMAnalysis". \ " -lLLVMArchive". \ " -lLLVMAsmParser". \ " -lLLVMAsmPrinter". \ " -lLLVMBitReader". \ " -lLLVMBitWriter". \ " -lLLVMCodeGen". \ " -lLLVMCore". \ " -lLLVMDebugInfo". \ " -lLLVMExecutionEngine". \ " -lLLVMInstCombine". \ " -lLLVMInstrumentation". \ " -lLLVMInterpreter". \ " -lLLVMJIT". \ " -lLLVMLinker". \ " -lLLVMMC". \ " -lLLVMMCDisassembler". \ " -lLLVMMCJIT". \ " -lLLVMMCParser". \ " -lLLVMObject". \ " -lLLVMRuntimeDyld". \ " -lLLVMScalarOpts". \ " -lLLVMSelectionDAG". \ " -lLLVMSupport". \ " -lLLVMTableGen". \ " -lLLVMTarget". \ " -lLLVMTransformUtils". \ " -lLLVMVectorize". \ " -lLLVMX86AsmParser". \ " -lLLVMX86AsmPrinter". \ " -lLLVMX86CodeGen". \ " -lLLVMX86Desc". \ " -lLLVMX86Disassembler". \ " -lLLVMX86Info". \ " -lLLVMX86Utils". \ " -lLLVMipa". \ " -lLLVMipo". \ " -lclangARCMigrate". \ " -lclangAST". \ " -lclangAnalysis". \ " -lclangBasic". \ " -lclangCodeGen". \ " -lclangDriver". \ " -lclangEdit". \ " -lclangFrontend". \ " -lclangFrontendTool". \ " -lclangIndex". \ " -lclangLex". \ " -lclangParse". \ " -lclangRewrite". \ " -lclangSema". \ " -lclangSerialization". \ " -lclangStaticAnalyzerCheckers". \ " -lclangStaticAnalyzerCore". \ " -lclangStaticAnalyzerFrontend". \ " -lgtest". \ " -lgtest_main". \ " -lprofile_rt" " g++11 clang call g:set_quickrun_config("g++11-clang", "g++", { \ "exec" : "%c %o %s -o %s:p:r ".l:gcc_lib_path." -LD:/LLVM/BUILD/lib ".llvmlibs, \ "cmdopt" : l:gcc_option." -g -std=gnu++0x -ID:/LLVM/BUILD/tools/clang/include -ID:/LLVM/BUILD/include -ID:/LLVM/LLVM/include -ID:/LLVM/LLVM/tools/clang/include -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS", \ }) " g++4.7_11 clang call g:set_quickrun_config("g++4.7_11-clang", "g++4.7_11", { \ "exec" : "%c %o %s -o %s:p:r ".l:gcc_lib_path." -LD:/LLVM/llvm_2_9_release/lib ".llvmlibs, \ "cmdopt" : l:gcc_option." -g -std=gnu++0x -ID:/LLVM/llvm_2_9_release/include -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS", \ }) " clang++ let clang_cmd = $LLVM_BIN."/clang++" call g:set_quickrun_config("clang++", "g++", { \ "command" : clang_cmd, \ "cmdopt" : l:gcc_option."" \ }) " clang++11 call g:set_quickrun_config("clang++0x", "g++11", { \ "command" : clang_cmd, \ "cmdopt" : l:gcc_option." -std=gnu++0x" \ }) " clang++11 call g:set_quickrun_config("clang++0x-pedantic", "g++11", { \ "command" : clang_cmd, \ "cmdopt" : l:gcc_option." -std=gnu++0x -pedantic -pedantic-errors", \ }) " clang++11-2.9 call g:set_quickrun_config("clang++2.9", "clang++0x", { \ "command" : "D:/LLVM/BUILD_2_9/bin/clang++", \ }) " clang++11-3.0 call g:set_quickrun_config("clang++3.0", "clang++0x", { \ "command" : "D:/LLVM/BUILD_3_0/bin/clang++", \ }) " clang++11-gcc4.7 call g:set_quickrun_config("clang-gcc4.7", "clang++0x", { \ "command" : "D:/LLVM/BUILD_gcc_4_7/bin/clang++", \ }) " CppCheck let cppcheck_command = "D:/home/work/software/lib/cpp/cppcheck/cli/release/cppcheck.exe" let g:quickrun_config["CppCheck"] = { \ "type" : "", \ "exec" : "%c %o %s:p ", \ "command" : cppcheck_command, \ "cmdopt" : "--enable=all", \ "outputter" : "buffer", \ "runner" : "vimproc", \} " Cinder call g:set_quickrun_config("cinder", "msvc_debug", { \ "cmdopt" : \ "/nologo /W3 /WX- /Od /Ob1 /Oy- /DWIN32". \ "/D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_UNICODE /DUNICODE ". \ "/Gm /Zi /EHsc /RTC1 /MTd /GS ".include_dirs, \ "exec" : "%c %o %s:p " \ .l:msvc_debug_link_option \ ." -LIBPATH:".$CINDER_ROOT."/lib " \ ." -LIBPATH:".$CINDER_ROOT."/lib/msw " \ ." cinder_d.lib " \ ." /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMT ", \ "output_encode" : "sjis" \ }) endfunction call g:update_compiler_option() " }}} " デフォルトの設定 let g:quickrun_compile_command.cpp = "msvc_debug" " BOOST_PP を消す autocmd Filetype cpp call <SID>boost_pp_syntax() function! s:boost_pp_syntax() if exists("b:boost_pp_syntax") return endif let b:boost_pp_syntax=1 syntax match boost_pp /BOOST_PP_/ transparent conceal cchar=_ syntax match pp /\<PP_/ transparent conceal cchar=_ " 速度が気になる場合は、以下をコメントアウト " ---- ここから ---- " let i = 0 " let a_z = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" " while i < strlen(a_z) " let c = a_z[i] " " execute "syntax match boost_pp_".c." /".toupper(c)."/". " " \ " transparent conceal cchar=".c " execute "syntax match ".c." /".toupper(c). " \ "/ contains=boost_pp,pp transparent conceal cchar=".c " let i += 1 " endwhile " transparentsyntax match boost_pp /BOOST_PP_/ transparent conceal cchar=_ " syntax match pp /\<PP_/ transparent conceal cchar=_ " ---- ここまで ---- " おまけ、[] を λで表示 " パースは適当 syntax match lambda /[[]]/ transparent conceal cchar=λ " mpl::string の表記を見やすく syntax match mpl_string /'\s*,\s*'\ze.*'\s*>/ transparent conceal " set conceallevel=2 " Boost.Phoenix のエラーを見やすくしてみたり。 syntax match boost_phoenix /boost::phoenix/ transparent conceal cchar=p syntax match boost_proto /boost::proto/ transparent conceal cchar=e endfunction " filetype = cpp の時 autocmd FileType cpp call s:cpp_loaded() function! s:cpp_loaded() set nocindent setlocal matchpairs+=<:> if !exists("g:neocomplcache_include_paths") let g:neocomplcache_include_paths ={} endif let g:neocomplcache_source_disable['include_complete']=1 endfunction " mpl::string を整形 nnoremap <silent> <Space><Space>s :BoostMPLStringSlice1<CR>:BoostMPLStringSlice2<CR> command! \ -nargs=* BoostMPLStringSlice1 \ execute "normal! di'" command! \ -nargs=* BoostMPLStringSlice2 \ execute "normal! i".s:slice(getreg("*")) function! s:slice(str) let l:result = join(split(a:str, '.\{,4}\zs'), "','") return l:result endfunction " プリプロセスの出力を整形 command! \ -nargs=* PreproseccorOutputReplace \ :%s/;\zs\s*/\r\r/g| \ :%s/^\@!\s*\zestruct/\r/g|:noh " シンタックスチェック用の quickrun.vim のコンフィグ {{{ " gcc 版 let g:quickrun_config["CppSyntaxCheck_gcc"] = { \ "type" : "cpp_", \ "exec" : "%c %o %s:p ", \ "command" : "D:/home/gcc/gcc4_7/_bin/g++", \ "cmdopt" : "-fsyntax-only -std=gnu++0x -Wall ".g:get_include_dirs_option(), \ "outputter" : "static_syntax_check_location_list", \ "runner" : "vimproc", \ "outputter/static_syntax_check_location_list/errorformat" : "%f:%l:\ %m,In\ file\ included\ from\ %f:%l:,\^I\^Ifrom\ %f:%l%m" \ } function! s:is_cpp_comple_error_opened() return count(map(map(range(1, winnr("$")), "winbufnr(v:val)"), "bufname(v:val)"), \ "[unite] - cpp-compile-error@1" \) endfunction function! s:static_syntax_check() if get(g:, "cpp_use_static_syntax_check", 0) :QuickRun CppSyntaxCheck_gcc endif endfunction augroup CPP autocmd! autocmd BufWritePost *.cpp,*.h,*.hpp :call <SID>static_syntax_check() augroup END " }}} " 使用する msvc を設定 {{{ let $VSINSTALLDIR="C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0" let $VCINSTALLDIR=$VSINSTALLDIR."/VC" let $DevEnvDir=$VSINSTALLDIR."/Common7/IDE;" "let $PATH=$FrameworkDir.$Framework35Version.";".$PATH "let $PATH=$FrameworkDir.$FrameworkVersion.";".$PATH let $PATH=$VSINSTALLDIR."Common7/Tools;".$PATH let $PATH=$VCINSTALLDIR."/bin;".$PATH let $PATH=$DevEnvDir.";".$PATH let $INCLUDE=$VCINSTALLDIR."/include;".$INCLUDE let $LIB=$VCINSTALLDIR."/LIB;".$LIB let $LIBPATH=$VCINSTALLDIR."/LIB;".$LIBPATH " Windows SDK(or Platform SDK?) let $WindowsSdkDir="C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v7.1" "let $WindowsSdkDir="C:/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK" let $INCLUDE=$WindowsSdkDir."/include;".$INCLUDE let $LIB=$WindowsSdkDir."/lib;".$LIB " }}} " }}} " }}} " vim:set foldmethod=marker:
neobundle の設定だけは起動時に :source する事があるので別ファイルにしています。
" スタンダード NeoBundle 'git://' NeoBundle 'git://' NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" " Twitter NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" " C++ NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" " Dart NeoBundle "git://" " Haskell NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" " F# NeoBundle "git://" " コーディング支援 NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" " テキスト支援 NeoBundle "git://" " colorscheme NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "" NeoBundle "git://" NeoBundle "git://" " Vim