コンパイル時 FizzBuzz の出力

コンパイル時に FizzBuzz を処理して出力までするのは中3女子の嗜みですよね!
Sprout のコードは適当。


#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/print.hpp>
#include <sprout/algorithm/transform.hpp>
#include <sprout/array.hpp>
#include <sprout/string.hpp>
#include <sprout/string/alias.hpp>
#include <sprout/operation.hpp>
#include <sprout/numeric/iota.hpp>
#include <sprout/pit.hpp>
#include <iostream>

template<std::size_t Index, typename String>
constexpr char
at_c(String const& str){
    return Index >= str.length()
         ? char('\0')
         : str[Index];

template<char... cs>
struct chars{};

#define STRING_MAX_LENGTH    10

#define DECL_AT_C(z, n, text)    \

#define _(str)    \

template<typename String, typename Unique>
constexpr int
    namespace m =boost::mpl;
    typedef typename m::print<std::tuple<String, Unique>>::type output;
    return 0;

struct fizzbuzz{
    typedef sprout::string<8> result_type;

    constexpr result_type
    operator ()(int n) const{
        return n % 15 == 0 ? sprout::to_string("FizzBuzz")
            : n %  3 == 0 ? sprout::to_string("Fizz")
            : n %  5 == 0 ? sprout::to_string("Buzz")
            : sprout::realign_to<result_type>(sprout::to_string(n));

    typedef fizzbuzz::result_type string;

    static_assert(fizzbuzz()(1) == "1", "");
    static_assert(fizzbuzz()(2) == "2", "");
    static_assert(fizzbuzz()(3) == "Fizz", "");
    static_assert(fizzbuzz()(5) == "Buzz", "");
    static_assert(fizzbuzz()(15) == "FizzBuzz", "");

    constexpr auto source = sprout::iota(
        sprout::pit<sprout::array<int, 15> >(),

    constexpr auto result = sprout::transform(
        sprout::pit<sprout::array<string, 15> >(),
    // 出力

    return 0;


In file included from \home\Dropbox\work\software\src\test\cpp\sprout\fizzbuzz3\main.cpp|32| 0:
|| boost/mpl/print.hpp: In instantiation of 'struct boost::mpl::print<std::tuple<chars<'1', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>, main()::<lambda()> > >':
main.cpp|39 col 62| required from 'constexpr int print(Unique) [with String = chars<'1', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>; Unique = main()::<lambda()>]'
main.cpp|80 col 26| required from here
boost/mpl/print.hpp|55 col 10| warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
|| boost/mpl/print.hpp: In instantiation of 'struct boost::mpl::print<std::tuple<chars<'2', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>, main()::<lambda()> > >':
main.cpp|39 col 62| required from 'constexpr int print(Unique) [with String = chars<'2', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>; Unique = main()::<lambda()>]'
main.cpp|81 col 26| required from here
boost/mpl/print.hpp|55 col 10| warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
|| boost/mpl/print.hpp: In instantiation of 'struct boost::mpl::print<std::tuple<chars<'F', 'i', 'z', 'z', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>, main()::<lambda()> > >':
main.cpp|39 col 62| required from 'constexpr int print(Unique) [with String = chars<'F', 'i', 'z', 'z', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>; Unique = main()::<lambda()>]'
main.cpp|82 col 26| required from here
boost/mpl/print.hpp|55 col 10| warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
|| boost/mpl/print.hpp: In instantiation of 'struct boost::mpl::print<std::tuple<chars<'4', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>, main()::<lambda()> > >':
main.cpp|39 col 62| required from 'constexpr int print(Unique) [with String = chars<'4', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>; Unique = main()::<lambda()>]'
main.cpp|83 col 26| required from here
boost/mpl/print.hpp|55 col 10| warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
|| boost/mpl/print.hpp: In instantiation of 'struct boost::mpl::print<std::tuple<chars<'B', 'u', 'z', 'z', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>, main()::<lambda()> > >':
main.cpp|39 col 62| required from 'constexpr int print(Unique) [with String = chars<'B', 'u', 'z', 'z', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>; Unique = main()::<lambda()>]'
main.cpp|84 col 26| required from here
boost/mpl/print.hpp|55 col 10| warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
|| boost/mpl/print.hpp: In instantiation of 'struct boost::mpl::print<std::tuple<chars<'F', 'i', 'z', 'z', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>, main()::<lambda()> > >':
main.cpp|39 col 62| required from 'constexpr int print(Unique) [with String = chars<'F', 'i', 'z', 'z', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>; Unique = main()::<lambda()>]'
main.cpp|85 col 26| required from here
boost/mpl/print.hpp|55 col 10| warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
|| boost/mpl/print.hpp: In instantiation of 'struct boost::mpl::print<std::tuple<chars<'7', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>, main()::<lambda()> > >':
main.cpp|39 col 62| required from 'constexpr int print(Unique) [with String = chars<'7', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>; Unique = main()::<lambda()>]'
main.cpp|86 col 26| required from here
boost/mpl/print.hpp|55 col 10| warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
|| boost/mpl/print.hpp: In instantiation of 'struct boost::mpl::print<std::tuple<chars<'7', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>, main()::<lambda()> > >':
main.cpp|39 col 62| required from 'constexpr int print(Unique) [with String = chars<'7', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>; Unique = main()::<lambda()>]'
main.cpp|87 col 26| required from here
boost/mpl/print.hpp|55 col 10| warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
|| boost/mpl/print.hpp: In instantiation of 'struct boost::mpl::print<std::tuple<chars<'8', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>, main()::<lambda()> > >':
main.cpp|39 col 62| required from 'constexpr int print(Unique) [with String = chars<'8', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>; Unique = main()::<lambda()>]'
main.cpp|88 col 26| required from here
boost/mpl/print.hpp|55 col 10| warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
|| boost/mpl/print.hpp: In instantiation of 'struct boost::mpl::print<std::tuple<chars<'F', 'i', 'z', 'z', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>, main()::<lambda()> > >':
main.cpp|39 col 62| required from 'constexpr int print(Unique) [with String = chars<'F', 'i', 'z', 'z', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>; Unique = main()::<lambda()>]'
main.cpp|89 col 26| required from here
boost/mpl/print.hpp|55 col 10| warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
|| boost/mpl/print.hpp: In instantiation of 'struct boost::mpl::print<std::tuple<chars<'B', 'u', 'z', 'z', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>, main()::<lambda()> > >':
main.cpp|39 col 62| required from 'constexpr int print(Unique) [with String = chars<'B', 'u', 'z', 'z', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>; Unique = main()::<lambda()>]'
main.cpp|90 col 26| required from here
boost/mpl/print.hpp|55 col 10| warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
|| boost/mpl/print.hpp: In instantiation of 'struct boost::mpl::print<std::tuple<chars<'1', '1', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>, main()::<lambda()> > >':
main.cpp|39 col 62| required from 'constexpr int print(Unique) [with String = chars<'1', '1', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>; Unique = main()::<lambda()>]'
main.cpp|91 col 27| required from here
boost/mpl/print.hpp|55 col 10| warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
|| boost/mpl/print.hpp: In instantiation of 'struct boost::mpl::print<std::tuple<chars<'F', 'i', 'z', 'z', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>, main()::<lambda()> > >':
main.cpp|39 col 62| required from 'constexpr int print(Unique) [with String = chars<'F', 'i', 'z', 'z', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>; Unique = main()::<lambda()>]'
main.cpp|92 col 27| required from here
boost/mpl/print.hpp|55 col 10| warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
|| boost/mpl/print.hpp: In instantiation of 'struct boost::mpl::print<std::tuple<chars<'1', '3', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>, main()::<lambda()> > >':
main.cpp|39 col 62| required from 'constexpr int print(Unique) [with String = chars<'1', '3', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>; Unique = main()::<lambda()>]'
main.cpp|93 col 27| required from here
boost/mpl/print.hpp|55 col 10| warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
|| boost/mpl/print.hpp: In instantiation of 'struct boost::mpl::print<std::tuple<chars<'1', '4', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>, main()::<lambda()> > >':
main.cpp|39 col 62| required from 'constexpr int print(Unique) [with String = chars<'1', '4', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000', '\000'>; Unique = main()::<lambda()>]'
main.cpp|94 col 27| required from here
boost/mpl/print.hpp|55 col 10| warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
|| boost/mpl/print.hpp: In instantiation of 'struct boost::mpl::print<std::tuple<chars<'F', 'i', 'z', 'z', 'B', 'u', 'z', 'z', '\000', '\000'>, main()::<lambda()> > >':
main.cpp|39 col 62| required from 'constexpr int print(Unique) [with String = chars<'F', 'i', 'z', 'z', 'B', 'u', 'z', 'z', '\000', '\000'>; Unique = main()::<lambda()>]'
main.cpp|95 col 27| required from here
boost/mpl/print.hpp|55 col 10| warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]

print 関数にラムダ式を渡しているのは2回目以降も出力するためですね。
あと最近また Sprout が暴れているらしいので遊びたい欲が…!


  • g++ (GCC) 4.7.0 20120218 (experimental)